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The Best Goal Setting Strategy for 2022

Vaishali Wagle
3 min readJan 28, 2022


Intentional living is becoming aware of your values first and then creating an intent to live in accordance with them.

sounds fuzzy? let’s break it down….

→ if one of your values is minimalism, and you are living in a space with too many things cluttered, how would you feel?


→ if one of your values is learning, and yet you aren’t able to give time to learning, what would your state of mind be?

disgruntled, maybe?

→ If one of your values is to serve others, and you find your work or your creativity not of service to others; then would you be in a happy state?

no! absolutely not!

why? because you are not in tune with your values.

Before we go on to goal setting, let’s check if you are living intentionally.

This simple reflective exercise will help you become aware if you are practising intentional living or not -

→ write down your top 3–4 values and see if you are honouring them or hammering them in the way you live….

In our intentional living #Fridaymusings series, last week we looked at why we may be feeling aimless and unable to garner the energy to bounce back.

if you haven’t read it, here’s the link —

As we continue the series, let us explore how we could set more meaningful & intentional goals, without overwhelming us….

…. and to do that, i’m going to borrow my favourite blue ocean strategy called ERRC.

blue ocean strategies are those that break out from the bonds of conventional thinking and create innovative solutions.

The technique of ERRC is just apt for goal setting, because it’s got a pull in both directions — credit and debit, give and take, do more and do less… why is that so appealing? ‘coz mostly when we think of goals, we think of adding something to our list and we rarely think of removing something….. if you just keep adding, won’t it reach a point of overwhelm or breakdown?

ERRC stands for Eliminate, Reduce, Raise and Create.

so, to create your goals using the ERRC, answer these 4 questions:

  1. I want to ELIMINATE …..
  2. I want to REDUCE ….
  3. I want to RAISE or increase ….
  4. I want to CREATE ….

My ERRC is: I want to …

1️. ELIMINATE low value work

2️. REDUCE time spent on emails

3️. RAISE time spent on learning

4️. CREATE magical & fun experiences for my coaching clients

This is the start of goal setting… you would observe that the goals are possibly high level, not necessarily time bound & also a little vague. We will be looking at deepening that in our next segment on intentional living.

Happy intentional living…. drop in a comment to share with me your goal setting experience using ERRC…

“The key is not to prioritise your schedule but to schedule your priorities”

