Vaishali Wagle
2 min readMay 20, 2022


Tell me about yourself…

At my personal branding session for interns earlier this week, the participants shared their experiences so beautifully.

One of them said that she is so busy doing things, that for the first time she experienced what is it like, being.

Another one said that he always knew the importance of branding but never got around doing anything because it felt overwhelming, but the C3 model was so easy that he was inspired to act on it.

Many of them had a common realisation which busted their myth that branding was for later when they became more senior in the industry.

So, today i thought of asking you some self reflective questions & sharing some insights to help you re-evolve your brand-

  1. If someone could only see your actions, and not hear your words, what would they say are your priorities?
  2. when someone bargains or negotiates, its not because of they lack the capacity to pay, its because they don’t feel its worth that much
  3. what’s the gap between knowing what to do & actually doing it?
  4. you don’t get paid what you are worth. you get paid what the other person thinks you are worth.
  5. how do you answer the classic “tell me about yourself” question be it in meetings, events, panel discussions or interviews?
  6. building your self-worth is the most worthwhile thing you could invest in for your overall wellness.

