How to stop your energy drain with one simple change.

Vaishali Wagle
2 min readFeb 11, 2022
Who are you being?

“I do”, the famous wedding vows speak of doing, when in reality it’s about being.

We spend a lot of time doing stuff; from the daily chores, to the work, to the interactions with others — there is a lot of energy that we spend in these things that are outside of ourselves.

That’s mostly because we have got accustomed to the idea of busyness, almost to the point that doing nothing feels like a crime, isn’t it?

Continuing with the intentional living series, today we explore how we can stop just doing and draining our energy, and start being — a key step towards intentionality.

When you are in the mode of doing; you are recycling the same thoughts, the same clutter, the same results.

Just doing will not open any new dimensions of learning and growth, leading to stagnation.

It’s not a bad thing, if you wish to live a life of mediocrity.

To start being means, to turn a little inwards and find the lost connection with your self — directing your energy in expanding your consciousness.

Start with small doses, like 5 minutes, of sitting in silence by your self. You may feel uncomfortable with the stillness and silence at first, so be persistent to tide over this phase… and gradually increase the dosage to get to 20 minutes. Do not play any relaxation music, because that’s listening to something — again a part of doing.

What happens in those moments of silence could greatly differ from person to person, but one thing is certain that daily practice can have remarkable benefits on your physical and mental health.

When you start being, it enhances the experience and quality of your doing.

It also balances the energy flow between outwards and inwards.

Such mindfulness interventions are super useful when you are getting into a critical situation — we’ve known doctors who practice this before a major surgery, we’ve seen students benefit during exams, numerous instances of conflict situations have been avoided when people have taken a moment to start being.

In my coaching practice, i come across clients who like to speak a lot, and they hardly pause until a coaching question lands somewhere deep inside them and makes them stop and think.

It’s a beauty to watch this happen, and i love it every time a client reaches that dimension, because it’s an indication that they are now going inwards to start being.

In the hope of creating a reflective space for you, here are some questions to kindle the joy of being -

  1. What has been your learning from this reading?
  2. What does your heart desire now?
  3. What needs your attention to make the shift happen?

Happy Intentional Living!

